Axius Dragon Axius Dragon

The Loneliness of being a Starseed

Being a starseed is a wonderful, magical thing… But sometimes, being incarnated on this earth as a starseed can be very, very lonely. As starseeds, we often don’t fit in with the rest of the world. More often than not, we find ourselves being the black sheep in every aspect of our relationships; our friends, our peers, our loved ones, our families… seemingly even the whole world. We always seem to be the odd ones out.

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Axius Dragon Axius Dragon

5 Powerful Crystals for Spiritual Protection

Keeping ourselves spiritually protected is more important than ever during these chaotic times we live in, and as starseeds, lightworkers and spiritualists, it is especially important that we protect ourselves from the overwhelming amount of low vibrational energy there is out there. Now, there are many different ways to keep ourselves spiritually protected as we navigate this world, and I’ll be going over some of those other ways in future posts, but one of my personal favourite ways to do so on a daily basis is to use the powerful energies of crystals.

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Axius Dragon Axius Dragon

Spiritual Baths: Cleanse, protect, and strengthen your spirit

A spiritual cleansing bath is a special kind of bath that uses the healing power of herbs, minerals and other ingredients to spiritually cleanse yourself of any unwanted negative energies and any evil beings and entities that might have attached themselves to you. They are an incredible way to keep your mind, aura and energy fields clear, and are a very effective way to quickly remove anything that might be blocking your soul’s natural light.

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