Spiritual Baths: Cleanse, protect, and strengthen your spirit
Every time we step out into this wonderful, chaotic, volatile world called planet earth, we are stepping into a spiritual battlefield. Every day, we come face to face with all kinds of energies, and oftentimes don’t even realise it. We have no idea what kind of spiritual gunk someone might have on them, how much negative energy has polluted a space, or what ill-intentioned beings are floating around in the astral realm, just waiting for someone to come by so they can pounce and latch on to them. Because of this, it is especially important for starseeds, empaths, light-workers and all types of spiritually conscious people to make sure these energies and entities don’t make their home within us or around us.
As spiritually conscious beings, especially starseeds, our soul’s light tends to shine much brighter than the average person’s. Though this is an incredibly good thing, it comes with the slight downside of making us very noticeable in the astral realm. Though this light can attract benevolent energies and beings, sometimes negative energies and entities will see our soul’s radiant light and become drawn to it like a moth to a flame, latching on to us and feeding off of our energy like leeches.
Even if we try our very best to avoid these things, like wearing our spiritual protection while we’re out, we avoid going to any particularly nasty places and do our very best not to interact with anyone whose aura might not be the cleanest, it is completely impossible to avoid being exposed to negative energy one way or another. Perhaps there is a crack in our spiritual protection, or perhaps we come across a negative energy or evil spirit so potent that our protection isn’t strong enough for it. Maybe we have a guest over at our home who has some low vibrational energies or entities clinging to them, which then make themselves at home around us or within us. Maybe we come across someone who just seems to be a ball of negativity, someone who brings our mood and energy down just by being around them. Maybe we come across someone who, for some reason, just seems to be followed by negativity and bad luck wherever they go. Chances are this person has a very murky and cloudy aura. Chances are they probably have some negative entities and energies attached to them, feeding off of their light without them even knowing about it, and making their misery worse all the while. This person probably hates their job, their relationships, and maybe even their life in general, carrying this hate and misery around with them everywhere they go. All of that spiritual gunk they’re carrying with them can seep into our own energy fields, even if they’re just a stranger who passes us by.
Sometimes, we can even have these negative energies sent our way, either intentionally or unintentionally, be it through something as severe as having someone cast a curse upon you or something as small as a stranger giving you a dirty look, unintentionally sending the evil eye your way.
Over time, all of this low vibrational energy we are exposed to builds up in our aura, our spiritual bodies and even within our chakras and begins to drag us down, almost like a spiritual mud that builds up and dampens our soul’s natural light.
A great spiritualist who I follow who goes by the name Conjure Queen on youtube (Whose videos on this subject will be linked here and here.) said it best, and to roughly quote how she described it, think of it this way; When you go a long time without taking a shower or a bath, say for days, weeks, or even months, just think about how dirty you will get. Chances are, you’ll begin to feel really grimy, and itchy, and uncomfortable, and you’ll probably reek, too. Well, the same logic applies to our spiritual bodies. The longer we go without spiritually cleansing ourselves, the more grimy and murky and clouded our spiritual bodies and auras become.
Because of this, it’s important for all spiritualists and lightworkers to frequently spiritually cleanse themselves in order to keep their minds, auras and energy fields clear, and the best way to clear away all of that spiritual gunk and rid yourself of all those unwanted energies is to take a spiritual bath.
What is a spiritual cleansing bath?
A spiritual cleansing bath is a special kind of bath that uses the healing power of herbs, minerals and other ingredients to spiritually cleanse yourself of any unwanted negative energies and any evil beings and entities that might have attached themselves to you. They are an incredible way to keep your mind, aura and energy fields clear, and are a very effective way to quickly remove anything that might be blocking your soul’s natural light. They also make quick work of removing hexes, curses, and any type of evil energy or spell sent onto you on purpose.
Because of this, I believe spiritual baths are an absolute necessity for any kind of spiritual practitioner, as they are incredible ways of keeping your mind, body and spirit clear of any unwanted energies. But spiritual baths aren’t just good for removing negative energies, but they can also be used to attract beneficial and positive energies as well, making them an incredible tool for any kind of spiritual work.
Which brings us to our next topic:
Cleansing Baths vs Sweetening Baths
When it comes to spiritual baths, there are two main types; cleansing baths and sweetening baths.
A cleansing bath is a spiritual bath used to cleanse and remove energies, using it to rid yourself of any spiritual gunk or evil spirits that might be lingering in your energy fields.
A sweetening bath is a spiritual bath meant to attract energies to you, or to fill your energy fields with a specific vibration. Sweetening baths can be used for a variety of things, such as attracting love, success, healing, joy, creativity, and any variety of things.
The reason why both of these baths are important is because once we’ve done our cleansing baths, cleansed our home and fully removed all of these negative energies and evil spirits, what happens is we then create a void in their place. In order to avoid having this void filled by any more negative energy or evil entities, we then need to either do a sweetening bath, or use the light of crystals to fill this void that we’ve created with positive and beneficial energies.
The history of spiritual bathing
The concept of spiritual baths and spiritually cleansing yourself through bathing is no new concept, mind you, and so before we dive into how to prepare and take a spiritual bath, let’s first take a look at some examples of spiritual cleansings throughout history and religion.
Ritual bathing and spiritual cleansing through bathing not only dates back to ancient history, but it's something that has been and is still practised today by many religions, including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and many more.
The first example we’ll go over is one I’m sure we’re all familiar with;
the Christian practice of Baptism. (Or for my fellow brits I’m sure you’re all familiar with being christened, which is literally just another term for baptism.)
Traditionally, Baptism is a sacrament which includes the ritual use of water that is sprinkled or poured over the recipient, or the recipient is completely submerged in water. The deeper meaning behind it is that baptism is essentially symbolic of being reborn; to be resurrected through being submerged and rising from the waters in the same way Jesus Christ died, was buried, and rose again. After being baptised, the believer’s sins are washed away and forgiven, and it marks their initiation into the christian faith.
In Judaism, a Mikvah refers to a ritual bath used to achieve ritual purity after certain events, according to regulations laid down in the Torah. Some examples of which someone would undergo this ritual cleansing include; initiation into Judaism, before a Jewsih holiday, after menstruation or childbirth, after coming into contact with a corpse or grave, and other examples which vary depending on different traditions and communities.
In Islam, there are actually two different kinds of ritual purification using water, wudu and ghusl.
Wudu is a ritual purification where an individual washes their hands, mouth, nose, face, forearms, head, ears and feet in order without breaks. It serves to wash away all impurities and is typically done before salah or reading the quran.
Alternatively, ghusl refers to the full body ritual bath that is performed before certain Islamic activities and prayers, and begins with the declaration of intention to purify oneself in the name of worship.
A notable example of bathing in the name of spiritual purification in Hinduism surrounds the Ganges river. Many Hindus believe that the Ganges river is the literal body of the goddess Ganga, a deity who descended to Earth to purify their souls and release them from the cycle of death and rebirth. Many Hindus make the pilgrimage to the river to bathe in the river’s waters to cleanse their souls and purify themselves of their sins, and some who live near it even do so daily.
Ancient Egypt
But it’s not just religions that have a history of ritual bathing and spiritual cleansing through water. The ancient egyptians, or the ancient kemites, since egypt was called kemet by it’s people in ancient history, also practised ritual bathing. Before they would enter temples, give offerings or prayers to the gods, or conduct any form of worship, they would both physically and spiritually cleanse themselves to wash away their impurities and negative energies. In fact, they would often bathe themselves in the waters of the Nile river to purify themselves and to connect them with the gods, since they believed the Nile had divine properties that could purify and elevate the soul.
How to prepare a spiritual cleansing bath
Now that we’ve gone over what a spiritual bath is, why they’re so important and their history, let’s talk about how to actually go about preparing one. Like most everything in spirituality, there isn’t really a fundamentally right or wrong way of preparing a spiritual bath, since there are so many different ways of doing so for so many different purposes. So truthfully, the best thing to do is to experiment with different things and find whatever works best for you.
To help give you an idea on where to start, I’ll show you how I go about preparing a spiritual bath, specifically my go to way of preparing a spiritual cleansing bath pretty much every time I need one.
The first thing you’ll need is, of course, water. I always avoid using tap water where I can, and try my best to find some natural water from an ocean, lake, river, or by gathering rain water. If I don’t have any of those, though, then I simply use bottled spring water, making sure that it doesn’t contain fluoride or chlorine, since those chemicals can interfere with the natural vibration of the water. If you yourself can’t find any of these though, then don’t worry, using tap water will still get the job done.
Once you’ve placed the water into a pot and placed it on the stovetop to boil, the second thing you’ll need are herbs. I always prefer to gather my herbs fresh from the wilderness, but if you don’t live near anywhere that herbs naturally grow in, store bought is fine. Try if you can to find packaged fresh herbs, but if you can’t find those, then dried will do just fine. The main reason why I prefer freshly gathered herbs is because their essence is much more potent and alive when they’ve only just been gathered, whereas dried herbs tend to have lost a bit of their magickal essence, but don’t worry, they’ll still get the job done.
If you want to find out what herbs and ingredients you can use for your spiritual baths, both for cleansing and other purposes, then I highly recommend the book “Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs” by Scott Cunningham. It contains nearly every plant, flower, fruit, vegetable and herb you can imagine, and goes into great detail about the magical properties of each, so it’s definitely worth owning.
Now, as for what herbs I use, I’ll go through the full list of herbs and ingredients I often use for my spiritual bath and why I use them, and you can either use this list for yourself or add and subtract as many things as you like. Sometimes I use all of these ingredients at once, and sometimes I only use a few of them depending on what ingredients I have on me at the time, so don’t worry if you only have one or two things.
The first herb I add into my mixture is Nettle, which is probably the most powerful ingredient in the whole mixture. In my experience, whatever a plant does physically is what it does spiritually, and anyone who’s ever come into contact with a nettle knows that these babies can sting. This is exactly what makes them perfect for spiritual cleansing and exorcism, because the essence of this powerful herb has the power to sting all of those nasty evil energies and beings and chase them away for good. Nettle is also a very powerful herb for protection and reversing hexes and curses, so when you use it you’re not only cleansing yourself, you’re also protecting yourself as well.
The second most powerful ingredient I use in my spiritual baths is pine trimmings, as pine has incredible cleansing and exorcising properties. Similar to Nettle, Pine has the power to drive away negativity, reverse hexes and spells, and can be very protective by warding off evil spirits. Adding pine and nettle together makes an incredibly powerful duo that can clear away all of those heavy, nasty energies and spirits that might be particularly stubborn.
Thirdly, I like to add lemon slices into my spiritual baths. Once again trusting the fact that whatever a plant does physically it also does spiritually, I always like to use lemons in my spiritual baths for their detoxifying and cleansing properties. Just like how lemons detoxify and cleanse our physical bodies, lemons are incredible for purifying and cleansing the aura and spiritual bodies.
Next, I throw in some garlic cloves. Now, I’m sure you’re more than aware of the folklore and myths behind garlic, and how it’s said to be able to ward off vampires and other such mythical creatures, but truth be told, garlic actually does do wonders in exorcising and scaring away evil spirits and beings. Physically, garlic is incredibly antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal, and does wonders for fighting sickness and boosting the immune system. Therefore, spiritually, it’s no surprise that garlic does wonders for dispelling evil entities and negative energies, as the potent essence of garlic stings them away and clears them for good. Because of this, I usually make sure to add garlic when I know I’m also going to be doing a spiritual mixture to cleanse my home, as evil spirits and beings tend to linger in our homes more often than latching onto us specifically.
Next up is rosemary, which is yet another powerful tool in removing negative energies. Rosemary helps to clear and cleanse away any stagnant energies and helps to invite peaceful and harmonious energies in their place. I personally add rosemary as a sort of supporting role to my other ingredients; so while they’re busy fighting off the heavy, particularly nasty energies and evil spirits, the rosemary can help to tackle the more subtle, and not necessarily harmful, stagnant energies that might be lingering around.
Salt is the ultimate purification tool, and is used widely in a number of spiritual and magickal practices. Salt can be used to bless, cleanse and purify pretty much anything, and so I always like to use salt in my spiritual baths for that extra cleansing boost. A good thing to remember about salt is that they are crystals, and with them having a similar neutral energy as clear quartz, speaking your intention over salt crystals will charge and infuse them with whatever it is you want them to do. Because of this, I usually say a prayer over my salt before adding it.
Finally, as an optional ingredient that I often only use if I’m clearing some particularly horrid spirits or if I want to give my mixture an extra powerful kick, I add in a shot or two of whiskey. Even though I don’t drink alcohol, I almost always use alcohol in all of my rituals and spells, because the spiritual power of alcohol honestly deserves its own segment with how versatile it is and how many different ways it can be used. The simple reason I use whiskey in my spiritual mixtures though is because whiskey is incredible for exorcising and clearing negative energies, evil spirits and entities.
Once I’ve added all of my ingredients, I then like to say some prayers over my mixture to infuse it with my intention. You can either say your own prayers over the mixture from the heart, or recite an existing prayer. I personally favour saying psalm 91 over the mixture, as it is an extremely powerful psalm for not only removing evil but also for protecting you from it. Psalm 35 is another very powerful psalm for banishing evil, and is especially excellent when it comes to dealing with enemies or some form of evil sent onto you by an enemy. If you want to learn more about psalms and useful ways to use them in your spiritual work, I highly recommend the book “The Power of the Psalms” by Anna Riva.
Preparing a spiritual sweetening bath
Since sweetening baths can be used for a variety of different things, the different ingredients you could use are limitless, and it all depends on what you’re doing the sweetening bath for. This is once again where the book “Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs” by Scott Cunningham would come in handy, as you’d be able to find exactly what herbs you can use for whatever kind of sweetening bath you’d prefer.
To give you a few basic examples of sweetening baths for a few different purposes, here are some quick and easy recipes for you to use;
To attract love: Roses, Strawberries, Jasmine
To attract success: Cinnamon, Ginger, Mint, Oranges
To attract peace: Lavender, Chamomile, Rosemary
To attract joy: Daffodil, Mint, Daisy
Also, as a quick tip on how to make your spiritual baths even more effective, it’s best to do a cleansing bath from the full moon onwards, at the same time the moon is disappearing, and a sweetening bath from the new moon onwards, when the moon is appearing. This way, the moon’s energies are on your side, clearing away what doesn’t serve you while the moon is disappearing and expanding that which you want to attract when the moon is appearing.
Spiritually cleansing the home
Before we get into how to take your spiritual bath, I always recommend spiritually cleansing your home first before you cleanse yourself. The reason for this is because whenever you cleanse yourself, AKA you remove all of those negative energies and entities from your energy fields, you create a void in its place. The last thing you want once you’re all nice and spiritually cleansed is to step out into your uncleansed home and have some negative energy or entity jump right back into you again. If you’re not cleansing your home, either because you choose not to or can’t because of your living circumstances, then that’s perfectly fine.
Once you’ve made your spiritual mixture, set aside some of it to use for your home, and use the rest for your bath. Just like with a spiritual bath, there are multiple different ways you can go about spiritually cleansing your home, and you can always add and subtract things from each method in whatever way works best for you.
A quick thing to note about cleansing your home, regardless of which method you choose, is that it’s always a good idea to start from the room furthest from the front door, and work your way outwards. If your home has more than one floor, start at the very top in the room that’s furthest from the stairs, and then make your way down and outwards towards the front door. The reason for this is because what you’re essentially doing is forcing the negative energy and the evil spirits out of their hiding places and giving them nowhere to go but right out your front door. If you were to start from your front door and work your way in, all you’d be doing is trapping the negative energies and evil spirits in with you. This is also why it’s a good idea to open all of your home’s windows while you’re spiritually cleansing it, so that the negative energy and the evil spirits have plenty of exit routes to leave your home.
As for how to go about actually cleansing your home, there are a couple of ways to do it: The first method of doing this is to add your mixture into a mop bucket full of cool water and use it to mop the floors of your home. The second method, and a method I prefer since it is much quicker and is great for when you already routinely cleanse your home, is to add your mixture to a spray bottle and mist your home with the mixture. Be careful not to add the water in when it’s still hot though, or else you might melt the plastic of the bottle (something else I learnt the hard way). This second method is also probably best for people who have carpet instead of hard floors, as you can simply vacuum the moisture out of your carpet once it has settled.
Keep in mind, though, that spiritually cleansing your home isn’t as simple as mopping/spraying your home and calling it a day. There are a lot more steps involved in properly cleansing your home, especially if you’re dealing with particularly heavy energies or stubborn evil spirits. Don’t worry, though, the process is still very simple, and I’ll talk about the way that I personally go about cleansing my home to give you an idea of how to do it properly.
So, first and foremost, an easy way to give yourself the upper hand in cleansing your home is to physically clean it, too. Negative energy and evil spirits absolutely love dirt, dust, clutter, muck and grime, so one of the best ways to keep your home spiritually clean is to keep your home physically clean. Secondly, evil spirits in particular often hide in corners, cabinets, closets and under beds, as they know they’ll be hidden there. Because of this, when you’re spiritually cleansing your home, always be sure to open up all of the cabinets, drawers and closets. This may not be necessary for a routine home cleanse, but if it’s been a while or you’ve never done it before, it’s best to make sure you give the evil spirits and negative energy nowhere to hide.
When I’m spiritually cleaning my house, I not only spray each room with my spiritual mixture, but I also burn plenty of Palo Santo in each room, making sure to waft the smoke into the corners to stop any spirits from hiding there. I also like to play mantras and prayers out loud on my phone as I’m working, with the most effective ones being the Mahakali mantra, Red Tara mantra and Narasimha mantra, which I will link here also. I also say some prayers out loud, usually psalm 91, and if I’m dealing with a particularly nasty spirit, I’ll make sure to be very vocal about just how much I want that spirit out of my house. Truthfully, you don’t even need to be all that elaborate about what prayers you say. I myself sometimes like to simply use the word ‘light’, because thanks to information I’ve learnt from medical medium, who by the way, I highly recommend looking up for yourself, I know that evil beings and negative energies are terrified of the word light, and go running the moment they hear it.
Once you’ve mopped the floors with your mixture or sprayed each room and hallway with it, you’ve burnt your incense, said your prayers and mantras, and everything feels beautifully clear and uplifted, your work still isn’t done just yet. There’s still a couple of things you’ll want to do in order to make sure your home stays nice and clear.
The first thing you’ll want to do if you’ve mopped your floor or vacuumed up the mixture from your carpets is to toss out whatever is left over. Make sure you toss it away outside of your home, not inside, or else you might invite back in what you’ve just gotten rid of. So in other words, don’t dump your mop water down the sink or chuck your vacuum dust into the kitchen bin, otherwise you’re just keeping whatever you just removed inside your home, when you really want to be getting it as far away from you as possible.
Then, it’s a good idea to lay down some protection to keep your freshly cleansed space safe and sealed. The ways you can do this are limitless, but the way I usually do it is I use a clear quartz point to draw a sigil of light over the front door and windows, and sealing the house with that light to create a protective shield around it.
If for whatever reason your living circumstances don’t allow you to do such an in depth cleansing, like say if you can’t burn incense because of smoke alarms, then don’t worry, doing a few extra rounds of using your spiritual mixture or adding in some extra prayers will help give it the extra boost it needs.
As an optional extra step you can take to really make sure your house is fully cleansed and cleared, I highly recommend Steve Nobel’s “Space Clearing Transmission: Clear and Uplift a Structure, Space, Land”. All of Steve Nobel’s guided meditations are absolutely fantastic and very effective, so if you want to give your home cleansing an added kick, I highly recommend checking that video out, which will also be linked here. Using this guided meditation is also a great way to peacefully clear your space if you can’t do so through any of the other methods, and even though it may take a few rounds in order to have the same effect, it’ll still get the job done if you have no other options.
Just like with spiritual baths, it’s a good idea to follow your home’s cleansing up with a sweetening, and you can either do this in the same way by using a spiritual mixture, by burning incense, or by using crystals to create grids around your home and infuse their light into your space.
Taking a spiritual bath
As for actually taking the spiritual bath, there are two ways you can do this. The first way, and the way that I would recommend if you’re dealing with some very heavy energies or if it’s your first time cleansing yourself, is to run yourself a bath and fully bathe in your spiritual mixture. I also highly recommend this method for sweetening baths, as its effects are much more potent when you soak in the energies you want to attract.
As you normally would, run yourself a bath to whatever temperature and depth you prefer. Then, once it’s fully run, add your spiritual mixture into the bath, preferably by using a strainer or keeping the pot’s lid on so you don’t get loads of herbs and leaves floating around in your bath, because trust me, I speak from experience when I say that will be a nightmare to clean up afterwards.
If you want, you can say a prayer or mantra over the bath to give it that extra boost, asking the bath to cleanse away and purify you of any negative energies and evil entities that might have attached themselves to you. Then, once you’ve done all of that, it’s finally time to get yourself in and feel the cleansing effects of the bath for yourself. To feel the full effects, I highly recommend sitting in for at least 15-20 minutes, and to submerge yourself fully at least once to make sure your whole aura and energetic body are encompassed in the water’s cleansing properties. Once you’re in, all you need to do is sit back, relax, maybe even meditate if you’d like, and let the waters do their magic.
The second method of doing this is a much quicker way of doing things, and is the method I usually use for my routine spiritual cleanses. This method is also great for anyone who doesn’t have a bathtub in their home, as it’s more of a spiritual shower than a bath.
For this method, what you’ll want to do is let your mixture cool or add some cold water to it to cool it down, because you’re going to be pouring it directly over your body, so you don’t want to be pouring scalding hot water over yourself.
Once your mixture is nice and cool, what you want to do is stand in your shower or bath and pour the mixture over yourself, making sure to pour it over your head so that the cleansing water can flow from your crown chakra downwards. That way, you’re letting the water fully wash over your aura and energy fields and taking all of those nasty energies and entities with it down the drain. Then, you can use your shower to rinse off the excess mixture so that you’re not only spiritually clean, but physically clean too.
Once you step out of your spiritual bath, regardless of what method you use, a good thing to keep in mind is that if you’re doing a cleansing bath, you want to dry yourself by wiping your body downwards, from head to toe. This way, you’re symbolising pushing the energies down and away from you, keeping them from coming back into your energy fields. If you’re doing a sweetening bath, then do the opposite, wiping from toe to head to symbolise bringing the energies towards you.
Feeling the difference
Once you’ve fully completed cleansing yourself and your home, you’ll no doubt feel the difference immediately. Everything will feel so much clearer, so much more peaceful and so much lighter. You’ll probably feel as though a huge weight has been lifted from your shoulders, and that’s because negative energy can be very heavy and dense, especially when we’ve been carrying it with us for a long time. You’ll also now be able to easily tell when you’re due for another spiritual cleanse, and how often you do these spiritual cleansings is entirely up to you, whether you decide to do them frequently or occasionally. Don’t feel as though you have to do these things every single day though, because in my experience, if you cleanse too much, you’ll eventually start cleansing so many energies that you even start to remove good energies. I’ve found that the best schedule that works for me personally is cleansing myself twice a week and my home after every full moon, so roughly once or twice a month.
And that concludes this lengthy guide on how to spiritually cleanse yourself and your home. Thank you so much for reading, and I sincerely hope you have learned something and that this information will come in handy on your spiritual journey!
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