5 Powerful Crystals for Spiritual Protection
Artwork by Axius Dragon
Keeping ourselves spiritually protected is more important than ever during these chaotic times we live in, and as starseeds, lightworkers and spiritualists, it is especially important that we protect ourselves from the overwhelming amount of low vibrational energy there is out there. Now, there are many different ways to keep ourselves spiritually protected as we navigate this world, and I’ll be going over some of those other ways in future posts, but one of my personal favourite ways to do so on a daily basis is to use the powerful energies of crystals. Now truthfully, there are hundreds of different crystals that you could use for spiritual protection, as each crystal’s energy and the things they can help us with are all completely unique from crystal to crystal. For the sake of simplicity though, and to not make this video ten hours long, I will instead just go through the 5 main crystals that are my go to’s for spiritual protection.
Black Tourmaline
The first crystal, and possibly the most common crystal I see used for spiritual protection, is Black Tourmaline.
Black Tourmaline is a crystal that works best with our root and earth star chakras, and its effects help to keep us grounded and present in the here and now. Aside from this, Black Tourmaline’s most powerful ability is that it is incredible at absorbing unproductive and harmful energies. Think of Black Tourmaline as a sponge, soaking up and absorbing any and all negativity around us and within us, whether it's stress, anger, worry, hate, fear, or any other unpleasant energy.
Thanks to this amazing ability, when we use Black Tourmaline for spiritual protection, it essentially takes the hits from these harmful energies for us. A good thing to keep in mind when using Black Tourmaline for protection though, is that it is always important to cleanse your Black Tourmaline thoroughly before using it again. Otherwise you’ll just be carrying around all of the negativity and unpleasant energy that it has absorbed, and it won’t have any room left to absorb whatever other harmful energies you come across.
Another quick thing to know about Black Tourmaline and what makes it so amazing, especially if you’re working with raw black tourmaline, is that it is a crystal that has striations on it, aka the lines that stretch up along the crystal’s surface. You’ll probably also notice that other crystals have these striations on them too, like selenite and raw kyanite. The symbolism of these lines represents being in alignment, and so crystals with striations on them will always help to bring things back into alignment and remove anything that is preventing this.
The second crystal, and another very common but absolutely amazing one used for spiritual protection, is Amethyst.
Amethyst is a very high vibrational and spiritual stone, linked very closely to the third eye chakra. It is an amazing crystal for intuition, mental clarity, focus, sobriety, dreams and psychic abilities of all kinds, but another wonderful use for amethyst is using it to spiritually protect yourself.
Because of its high vibrational nature and its ability to enhance psychic ability and intuition, Amethyst protects our energy fields and guards us against psychic attacks. It can clear, deflect and remove any harmful energies sent our way on purpose, making it an incredibly valuable protection tool for any spiritual practitioner.
Aside from being used to protect us during the day, amethyst can also be very beneficial in protecting us while we sleep. Amethyst does wonders for warding off nightmares, and for protecting us from experiencing any type of psychic attack through our dreams. I have actually experienced this many times for myself, both through struggling with nightmares and experiencing psychic attack during the dream state, and every time, amethyst has been able to quickly clear these things and protect me while I slept.
Smoky Quartz
Next up is Smoky Quartz. Smoky Quartz is another very grounding stone that is beneficial for the root and earth chakras, helping us to stay grounded and anchored into the present moment, while also raising our vibration at the same time.
To understand why Smoky Quartz is such a great stone for protection, it’s best to take a quick look at how smoky quartz is formed:
Smoky Quartz is formed when there is a high amount of natural radiation present in the surrounding rock, thus turning the crystal a dark smoky colour due to irradiation and the activation of aluminium particles in the crystal itself. Because of this, it’s no surprise that Smoky Quartz would be an excellent crystal for protection, since during its very formation, it has absorbed the surrounding harmful energies of its environment and crystallised them into its own structure.
Smoky Quartz has the ability to absorb, remove and neutralise negative energies in our environment, and replaces these things with a positive and uplifting vibration. One thing I’ve personally experienced with smoky quartz is that it is not just good at keeping you spiritually protected, it’s also good at keeping you physically protected, too. So if you ever feel as though you’ll be participating in a sport or some other extracurricular activity where there could be a risk of injury, carry some smoky quartz with you just so you have that extra layer of protection.
Next, we have Selenite. One of the best ways to spiritually protect yourself is to raise your vibration so high that the negativity cannot even reach you, and what better way to do that than to work with an incredibly high vibrational crystal like selenite?
Selenite is yet another crystal with striations, and is therefore an amazing crystal to use when you want to realign yourself and your energy. Selenite raises our vibration and clears our auric field, helping to align us with our higher self and our higher guides and opens our eyes to new, higher perspectives on the situations in our lives. Selenite strengthens our soul’s natural light and our energy fields, and has the ability to clear, cleanse and purify our auras, our minds and our spirits. Another incredible thing about selenite is that it is a self cleansing crystal, and can even be used to cleanse other crystals as well.
Because of this, selenite is an incredible crystal to use for protection since it can cleanse and clear away any and all negative energies lingering around us or within us, and can prevent these harmful outside energies from interfering with our frequency and energy fields. Since Selenite also strengthens our auras and raises our vibration, it makes it much more difficult for these negative energies and entities to reach us in the first place, almost creating a strong, high vibrational shield around us that wards off these harmful energies.
Lastly, we have Obsidian.
Obsidian holds a lot of similarities with Black Tourmaline, as it is a crystal that absorbs negativity and harmful, toxic energies. Obsidian is absolutely incredible at pulling in and absorbing all kinds of harmful energies, whether it be from within us or around us. However, Obsidian possesses some characteristics that Tourmaline doesn’t have. For one, Obsidian is an incredibly healing stone that has a very feminine energy. It can absorb pain of all kinds, whether it's physical, emotional, spiritual or mental. So when it comes to Obsidian, I personally find that it is much better at removing, clearing and protecting us from our own negative emotions and any inner turmoil we may have, providing a much more healing energy than what Black Tourmaline has.
A good thing to mention while on the topic of Obsidian is that Snowflake Obsidian is an incredible stone to use for protection. When using crystals like Obsidian and Black Tourmaline that absorb these negative energies, it is important to remember that a void is then left behind where these energies once were, which can usually leave us open to other harmful energies. When using Snowflake obsidian though, it can absorb and remove any negative energy while at the same time replacing it with beneficial energy, leaving no void in its place. However, since Snowflake Obsidian has a more healing energy to it than a protective energy in my opinion, and tends to only absorb negative energies already within us, I would always suggest pairing it with regular Black Obsidian for the purposes of outward spiritual protection, or by pairing it with Black Tourmaline for the same reason.
Now, using all of these crystals on their own is incredibly powerful already, but using these crystals in combination with each other can create an absolutely amazing boost to their already powerful energies. You can honestly combine as many of these crystals together as you like for a number of different effects and purposes, but here are a few of my personal favourite combinations that I use for my own spiritual protection.
Black Tourmaline and Selenite
Pairing selenite with Black tourmaline is an absolutely incredible combination, as in my opinion these two crystals were practically made for each other. Wearing these two crystals together allows the Black Tourmaline to absorb all of the negativity and low vibrations from our environment, as well as from ourselves. Meanwhile, the Selenite can clear and cleanse these things away, ridding them from our energy fields for good and raising our vibration at the same time, allowing more of our soul’s natural light to shine through. Essentially, this crystal combination is a guaranteed self-cleansing negativity repellent, and will ensure that your energy remains clear and cleansed wherever you go. Plus, since both of these crystals have striations on them, you’ll be keeping your own vibration and energy fields in perfect alignment wherever you go, preventing anything seeking to disrupt this from seeping into your energy fields.
Black Tourmaline/Obsidian and Amethyst
Amethyst will help keep you mentally focused and aware, while the Black Tourmaline will help you to stay grounded in the present moment and help you stop worrying about the past or the future. While the Black Tourmaline absorbs all of the negativity you might come across in your environment, the amethyst will keep you safe and protected from any purposeful harmful energies sent onto you, thus providing you full protection from both intentional and unintentional negative energy. The same can be said for combining Amethyst and Obsidian, since the Obsidian will make quick work of absorbing any toxic energies you happen to come across, while Amethyst will keep you safe and guarded from any intentional toxic energies.
Black Tourmaline and Obsidian
Combining these two crystals creates an absolutely unbeatable duo that can absorb any and all kinds of negativity like a sponge, preventing any of it from seeping into your own energy fields. These two crystals perfectly compliment each other, and using both of them ensures that if one crystal might have missed some negative energy, the other can easily pick up the slack, leaving absolutely no room for any harmful energies to reach you. If you want, you can even add Selenite into the mix to create an unbeatable, self cleansing negativity absorber that you can use all day long.
Amethyst and Selenite
With this amazing high vibrational duo, you’ll be able to raise your vibration high enough that any negativity won’t even be able to reach you. The amethyst will keep you safe and protected against any psychic attack or purposeful harmful energies sent your way, keeping your mind clear and your intuition strong. Meanwhile, the selenite will keep your vibration high and your aura clear, creating a protective shield around you to ward off any and all low vibrations. If you want to, you can also throw in a bit of Black Tourmaline to help balance out the powerful high vibration of these two stones, adding in that extra layer of protection from any negativity around you.
Why Black Crystals Are Best For Protection
One thing you’ll probably notice about this list is that most of the crystals listed here are black crystals, and for good reason. You see, black is actually not a colour at all, because black is actually the absence of colour. What this essentially means, is that black is a void, and like all voids, the colour black pulls things into itself and absorbs things around it. This is why our black clothes absorb heat while we’re out in the sun, because black absorbs energy and light. Because of this, almost every black crystal, regardless of what its best uses are, will pull in and absorb energies around it, whether its negativity, grief, anger, sadness, sorrow, or any other negative energy. Because of this, it’s then a good idea to follow these crystals up with crystals of the opposite colour of the light spectrum, the colour white. Once the black crystals have absorbed away all of that negative energy, white crystals can then be used to infuse beneficial and positive light into our energy field.
In conclusion, regardless of whether you use these amazing crystals on their own or combine them together, you’re guaranteed to have a powerful layer of spiritual protection wherever you go, which is absolutely essential for all spiritualists during these chaotic times we live in. If you want to learn about more ways to keep yourself spiritually protected, then be sure to subscribe to The Crystal Dragon YouTube channel, as I’ll be uploading more videos on different methods of spiritual protection in the coming weeks. I’ll be talking about powerful spiritual symbols you can use for spiritual protection and why they’re so effective, as well as showing you how to do a simple yet powerful protection ritual for any purposes.
Thank you so much for reading, and I sincerely hope you have learned something and that this information will come in handy on your spiritual journey!
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With that, thank you once again, and I wish you love, joy and blessings. Until next time!
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